Increasing Violence Intervention Programme (VIP) Programmes’ Responsiveness to Māori: A whānau-centred approach for the VIP programme

Increasing VIP Programmes’ Responsiveness to Māori…
01 Jul 2014
Increasing VIP Programmes’ Responsiveness to Māori…
01 Jul 2014

The VIP programme supports DHBs to develop policies, health professional training and clinical leadership to improve the identification assessment and referral of people experiencing family violence.

This resource was born out of a desire by VIP coordinators working in hospitals across New Zealand to increase effectiveness of the VIP programme for Māori.

This resource aims to improve VIP programme responsiveness to Māori by sharing success stories and ‘lessons learned’ from the VIP programmes that are already working well for Māori.

VIP practitioners, health professionals and service providers talk about what improving their responsiveness for Māori means to them and how they can improve their practice.

The resource reflects the knowledge and expertise of VIP and health and social service practitioners from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds.

They discuss how they have worked with others in their organisations or communities to establish effective initiatives or to weave a whānau-centred approach throughout VIP programme policies and processes.

Some of the stories are about improving VIP responsiveness for Māori and others are about how families of all cultures are benefiting from a whānau-centred approach.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018