National Education Network Trial Extension: Evaluation Report

National Education Network Trial Extension: Evalua…
01 Jun 2013
National Education Network Trial Extension: Evalua…
01 Jun 2013

This report summarises the findings from the evaluation of the National Education Network Trial Extension (NEN Trial). It focuses on changes to teachers’ practices and the learning experiences of their students as a result of their school’s participation in the NEN Trial from July 2011 through to July 2012.

Findings reported include respondent perceptions of the impact of the NEN Trial, their confidence, attitudes and values regarding digital technologies, the professional development they have experienced and the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning.


The data reported here were gathered through online surveys conducted in July 2011 and again in July 2012. Two sets of surveys were used: a Principal Survey and a Teacher Survey. All schools participating in the NEN Trial were sent links to both surveys and asked to participate. Regional support providers were also asked to encourage schools to participate.

In addition, two of the regional support providers were interviewed to discuss the key findings from the surveys and to gather their perspective on the success – or otherwise – of the NEN Trial. Their comments have been taken into account in the discussion section of this report.

Page last modified: 10 Jul 2023