Youth Mental Health Project

Youth Mental Health Project - Improving youth ment…
03 May 2017
Youth Mental Health Project - At a Glance: Spotlig…
03 May 2017

Adolescence can be a period of high vulnerability for young people. To support their resilience and wellbeing, the Prime Minister’s Youth Mental Health Project (YMHP) was launched in 2012 as a package of initiatives to complement existing services. Focus was placed on youth aged 12 to 19 with, or at risk of developing, mild to moderate mental health issues. Below features the 2017 research outputs.

A Research Summary, Improving youth mental health: What has worked, what else could be done, shares insights on the progress and effectiveness of all 26 YMHP initiatives. It flags potential ways to improve services and overcome barriers experienced by youth and providers, e.g. addressing ongoing stigma around mental health, services being more connected and youth-friendly. Schools are crucial environments for promoting and supporting youth wellbeing.

At a Glance: Spotlight on youth less well-served focuses on those groups of youth who were identified as not having their needs as well met. These include LGBT youth, youth with disabilities, youth at schools without YMHP services, and young people who had experienced major life traumas. Youth living in Christchurch also reported higher risk factors than those living in other areas of the country.  

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018