Ageing Workforces and Ageing Occupations

Ageing Workforces and Ageing Occupations: A Discus…
01 Feb 2007

This report identifies knowledge gaps in relation to workforce ageing and ageing occupations by examining emerging issues from relevant research and policy in the area. The identified research opportunities are presented in summary here, and are discussed in more detail under subject headings in part four of this report.

Future research opportunities include:

• exploring the unique work experiences of older women and Māori and Pacific peoples in particular

• systematically surveying a broad range of employing organisations across occupational sectors (including recruitment agencies) in order to:

              o understand the implications of an ageing workforce from the employers’ perspective

              o identify current practice and policies for training older workers

              o examine attitudes about the productivity of older workers and mature job seekers and explore how these lead to discriminatory practices.

• investigating the training experiences of older workers through a large scale study with a representative sample of the older New Zealand working population

• examining the retention and recruitment issues in ageing occupations, including the effects of opportunities for training on the retention of older workers through sector specific research

• undertaking longitudinal research to examine:

            o the health status of older workers and its relationship to workforce participation over time

            o the role of cognitive functioning and the potential changes in cognitive status in late mid-life on work performance

            o work-related stress issues facing the growing number of older workers

            o the health and functioning of 65+ aged workers and its relationship to continued workforce participation

            o the factors that influence decisions about workforce participation and retirement by older workers over time.

• exploring the positive performance attributes of older workers

• identifying successful compensatory strategies used by older workers in response to declines in health and functioning

• examining the work experiences of the under-employed and the factors influencing their workforce participation.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018