Chlamydia Screening in New Zealand: Report for the National Screening Unit

Chlamydia Screening in New Zealand: Report for the…
01 Dec 2006
Chlamydia Screening in New Zealand: Report for the…
01 Dec 2006

The Chlamydia Screening in New Zealand: Report for the National Screening Unit was prepared as a contribution towards the development of policy advice regarding screening for chlamydia in New Zealand. In this Report, the National Health Committee Framework was applied to assess chlamydia infection as a suitable candidate for screening, and chlamydia screening strategies in other OECD countries were examined, along with current New Zealand projects, policies and practices.


The aim of this report is to provide information for the National Screening Unit (NSU) to assess and develop policy advice on a chlamydia screening programme.

The objectives of the report are:

  • To examine and summarise the evidence available on the need for a chlamydia screening programme in NZ, using the National Health Committee’s (NHCs) screening assessment criteria as framework.
  • To review policies and practices for chlamydia screening in other Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries as a comparison for chlamydia screening in NZ.
  • To provide information from specific research and projects in NZ relevant to chlamydia screening.
  • To review current policy, practice and stakeholder opinions on chlamydia screening in NZ.


  1. Literature review.
  2. Review of recent projects and research from NZ relevant to chlamydia screening.
  3. Examination of the evidence for a chlamydia screening programme in NZ using theNHC framework.
  4. Review of current policies and practices in other OECD countries.
  5. Review of relevant government policy documents in NZ.
  6. Consultation with key stakeholders.
  7. Formulation of recommendations.
Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018