Continuity of Early Learning: Case Studies of Assessment Practice

Continuity of Early Learning: Case Studies of Asse…
01 Jul 2015
Continuity of Early Learning: Case Studies of Asse…
01 Jul 2015

This report should be used as a background resource to the Continuity of Early Learning: Overview Report on Data Findings. The report provides detailed findings from the four hubs which comprised a school and its associated early years centres and four pairs of a school and its associated early years centre which were constructed as case studies. It provides details of the assessment practices reported by teachers/educators and parents interviewed over the course of a one day site visit. Hence the data reported here is self-report, complemented by participant commentary on illustrative examples of site assessment practice(s), including photographs of wall displays and other examples of student work

The cases provide evidence of the richness and variation in assessment practices across and between the different sites. There are limitations to the collection of data in interviews over the course of one day. The cases therefore provide a broad overview of a site's practices rather than detail on the nuances of teacher/educator curricular and pedagogical foci.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018