Report on Maternity: Maternal and Newborn Information 2004

Report on Maternity: Maternal and Newborn Informat…
02 Jul 2007

This is the fifth in the series of annual data analysing New Zealand maternity services. It contains information on the outcomes, availability and utilisation of maternity services for women who gave birth in New Zealand in 2004.

The report contains data from the Maternity and Newborn Information System (MNIS), the primary purpose of which is to provide information on maternity services. The MNIS currently contains extracts of hospital data from the National Minimum Dataset (NMDS) and data from payment claims submitted to HealthPAC.


The Report on Maternity series is designed to provide annual New Zealand health statistics on the pregnancy and childbirth characteristics of mothers who gave birth to babies (liveborn or stillborn), and the babies’ characteristics and outcomes. It also presents regional and national comparisons. The information is presented by calendar year and is drawn from the National Minimum Dataset (NMDS) and MNIS.

Key Results

In New Zealand in 2004, 54,875 mothers gave birth and 55,213 babies were born in hospital.

The 2004 report on maternity should therefore be considered another step in production of reliable information for mothers, medical practitioners, health care providers, policy makers and funders of maternity services in New Zealand.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018