The business case for firm-level work-life balance policies: a review of the literature

The business case for firm-level work-life balance…
01 Jan 2004

This literature review reviews the international and New Zealand literature on the business case for adopting work-life balance policies. The business case is established by weighing up the costs and benefits of introducing work-life balance policies and determining if the net impact is positive. In New Zealand, the EEO Trust’s Work & Life Awards highlight a number of strong case studies for the business benefits of work-life balance policies. Both the local and the international literature identify the benefits of work-life balance policies, which are:

• improved recruitment and retention rates, with associated cost savings;

• reduced absenteeism and sick leave usage;

• a reduction in worker stress and improvements in employee satisfaction and loyalty;

• greater flexibility for business operating hours;

• improved productivity and

• an improved corporate image.

The costs of implementing work-life balance policies include:

• direct costs, such as parental leave payments or providing equipment to telecommuters and

• indirect costs associated with temporarily filling the posts of absentees and temporary reductions in productivity arising from disruptions.

• costs associated with implementing work-life balance policies

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018