The Future of Housing in New Zealand

The Future of Housing in New Zealand - Full report
01 Feb 2006
The Future of Housing in New Zealand: CHRANZ Resea…
01 Feb 2006

This futures research uses scenario planning techniques to test the outer limits of current thinking on future housing options in New Zealand for 2030. These housing scenarios are not predictions but alternative future situations in which today’s decisions might be played out.

Research aims - By means of a scenario building process:

1) Develop further insights into the key drivers and trends in the New Zealand housing market.

2) Explore the key linkages between housing, society, the economy, and the environment.

3) Provide the basis for a better understanding of the current and future roles and responsibilities of key players in the housing market. A full exploration of these roles and responsibilities will form the basis of a future project.  


CHRANZ and Building Research contracted Scion to generate a set of thoughtprovoking and realistic scenarios to show how New Zealand’s housing sector might look in 2030. The intent was to use the scenarios as a means to promote a better understanding of the forces that will shape New Zealand’s housing sector in the future. It was envisaged that the work would assist with forward planning and begin the process of identifying and assigning the roles and responsibilities of key players. The findings of the research are outlined in this report. The report will be useful to, amongst others, policy makers, investors, building industry bodies, and consumers.



Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018