
160 results within

Education Review Office | Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Website: Education Review Office


Phone: 04 499 2489

Safe Schools: Strategies to Prevent Bullying

This report presents an aggregation of ERO’s reported findings about the strategies schools are using to prevent bullying and provide a safe physical and emotional environment…

The Teaching of Social Studies: Good Practice

Social Studies in the New Zealand Curriculum is one of seven curriculum statements covering the essential learning areas of the New Zealand curriculum. Through social studies,…

The Teaching of Mathematics: Good Practice

Mathematics in the New Zealand Curriculum is one of seven statements covering the essential learning areas of the New Zealand curriculum. In mathematics, students develop skills,…

Teen Parent Units: An Evaluation

This report presents a national evaluation of Teen Parent Units (TPUs). TPUs are education services, usually connected to a secondary school, that provide education for school…