Working with Tokona Te Raki to identify stepping stones to success for rangatahi Māori

Ngā Tapuae technical guidance: Analysing Māori st…
01 Apr 2021


In 2020-2021 the Social Wellbeing Agency worked with Tokona Te Raki, a collaborative led by Ngāi Tahu to increase Māori participation, success and progression in education and employment outcomes. 

This technical guide describes the quantitative analysis techniques we applied in a mixed method research project. The project was co-designed and conducted by the Social Wellbeing Agency (the Agency) and Tokona Te Raki, a Ngāi Tahu-led collaborative established to increase Māori participation, success and progression in education and employment outcomes. This guide provides guidance on the methodology and direction on how to use the accompanying codes published on GitHub.


We participated in joint mixed methods research (which uses both quantitative and qualitative research) to identify the most important boosters, barriers, and levers to help young Māori succeed.

 Our work involved:

  • Helping identify measures for analysis, including quantitative Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) analysis and qualitative interviews with focus groups
  • Developing a tool within the IDI to represent timelines of critical events in the lives of rangatahi Māori. 
  • Tokona Te Raki has now published its report about the project. The views and recommendations in that report are those of Tokona Te Raki.
Page last modified: 12 Oct 2023