
197 results in multiple government agencies

Evaluation of the "Safer Summer" Road Safety Campaign

The 10km/h speed enforcement threshold has been reduced to 4km/h during official holiday periods in New Zealand since Queen’s Birthday weekend 2010. The 2013/14 Safer Summer…

Review of Police and iwi/Māori relationships

This is a summary of the review of Police and iwi/Maori relationships and what can be done together to reduce offending and victimisation. It draws together…

Delivering Social Services Every Day

Social services are working more and more collaboratively to deliver services to New Zealanders. This occurs throughout the sector, from frontline NGOs delivering services on behalf…

Inspiring action

This bibliography is a quick reference of abstracts on ways to improve women’s career paths within organisations. We have referenced 117 items, organised them into seven…

New Zealand Police Workplace Survey results 2014

Over the past few years the NZ Police Workplace Survey has helped provide valuable insight into the climate of our organisation. It has provided a focus…