
127 results in multiple government agencies

Integrated household surveys: a survey vehicles approach

Statistics New Zealand’s household surveys are currently run mainly as stand-alone surveys. This paper proposes an approach where household survey content is integrated into three survey…

Health and Pacific People in New Zealand

Health and Pacific Peoples in New Zealand is the third report in the Pacific Progress series. It presents findings on Pacific peoples’ health outcomes, discusses the socio-economic…

Career Futures for Pacific Peoples

This report, developed by the Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs and the Department of Labour, looks at occupations and industries with the highest future growth forecast,…

Pacific Pathways to Prevention of Sexual Violence

This multi-ethnic (Samoan, Cook Island, Tonga, Niue, Fiji, Tokelau and Tuvalu) research project discusses ethnic-specific Pacific views of sexual violence, including protective and risk factors. The project analyses the extent to which traditional Pacific cultural…