
167 results

A Career Capable Auckland: realising our potential

Auckland’s economic success important for New Zealand New Zealand’s economic future hinges, to a large extent, on Auckland’s economic success. For Auckland to reach its full potential…

2014 Benefit System Performance Report

This is the second internal actuarial report produced in relation to the forward liabilities of the welfare system. The purpose of the report is for the…

New Zealand Police Workplace Survey results 2015

Over the past few years the NZ Police Workplace Survey has helped provide valuable insight into the climate of our organisation. It has provided a focus…

Wider Economic Costs of Obesity to New Zealand

This report highlights the impact obesity has on our economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being. At an individual and family level it can affect our income…

KiwiSaver evaluation

The kiwiSaver Evaluation series is part of the programme of reporting, agreed to by Ministers at the outset of the evaluation, which is intended to provide…

Evaluation of the Sorted Workplace Pilot

Financial literacy, is defined by the Commission for Financial Literacy and Retirement Income (CFLRI) as "the ability to make informed judgements and effective decisions regarding the…