
456 results

Organised crime: All of government response

The Organised Crime Strategy (the Strategy) outlined a multi agency work programme containing 15 initiatives designed to build on the laws passed over 2009-2011 to target…

Convention Coalition 2013 Media Monitoring Report

This report on media monitoring outlines one half of the 2013 activities undertaken by the Convention Coalition in 2013. Article 8 of the Convention encourages “… all…

Race Relations in 2012

New Zealand’s compliance with international human rights treaties was considered by two United Nations treaty bodies in 2012 – the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural…

New Zealand Police Workplace Survey results 2013

Over the past few years the NZ Police Workplace Survey has helped provide valuable insight into the climate of our organisation. It has provided a focus…

Mobility Trial Evaluation Report

The introduction of mobile devices and applications to frontline Police officers represents a transformational change for New Zealand Police. Providing frontline officers with innovative, state of…