
542 results

Sport and Recreation in the Lives of 15 to 18-year-old Girls

This report provides a profile of 15 to 18-year-old girls’ involvement and interest in sport and recreation. The report also compares these girls’ participation and interest with that of: ­11…

Outdoor Recreation: Research Series

This new research series page contains research on Sport New Zealand commissioned research on outdoor recreation. It includes the outdoor recreation research agenda 2011, and research stocktake/synthesis…

Sport and Recreation in the Lives of Teenagers

This document provides a summary of both international research about the way teenagers participate and also the solutions and responses that these countries have implemented to…

Maori Tourism Capability Assessment Report 2014

This report identifies the development aspirations and needs of Māori tourism businesses, and identfies how we can collaborate to help those businesses to develop.

In Fact series

The In Fact series summarise key research that Sport New Zealand have funded.