
167 results

Child Poverty Monitor 2014: Technical Report

This is the second year of the Child Poverty Monitor and this Technical Report provides data on a set of indicators that assess aspects of child…

SME tax compliance cost reports

The following reports cover the SME tax compliance costs for small and medium size enterprises.

Decentralising Welfare - Te Mana Motuhake O Tūhoe

This report has been commissioned by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) to explore high level options for decentralising welfare in general and specifically to Ngai…

2013 Benefit System Performance Report

This is the first internal actuarial report produced in relation to the forward liabilities of the welfare system.  The purpose of the report is for the…

Growing Up In New Zealand: At 9 Months Old

Growing Up in New Zealand is a longitudinal study that provides an up-to-date, population-relevant picture of what it is like to be a child growing up…

Inquires: Regulatory institutions and practices

The Productivity Commission was asked to develop guidance on how to improve the design of new regulatory regimes and make system-wide recommendations to improve the operation…