
452 results

Local Content Report 2006

Since 1989 NZ On Air has measured local free-to-air television content. The Local Content Report compares the schedules of the six national free-to-air channels to observe…

Second-hand smoke in the home: Mini-report

This short report, prepared for the Ministry of Health, presents figures on second-hand smoke exposure and smoking behaviour inside households where children live.  Results indicate that…

Young People's Use of Entertainment Mediums (2006)

The Classification Office and UMR Research investigated the use of entertainment mediums by persons aged 16-18 years. The 460 respondents to the survey had attended the…

Issues Facing Broadcast Content Regulation

The relevance of content regulation, based on traditional models of broadcasting, is being challenged by technological developments in the communications media industry. Increasingly the control of…

Reducing exposure to second-hand smoke

This report outlines changes associated with the implementation of the amended Smoke-free Environments Act 1990: 2003-2006.