
620 results

The nature of wellbeing: how nature’s ecosystem services contribute to the wellbeing of New Zealand and New Zealanders’

No matter who we are or where we live, our well-being depends on the way ecosystems work                                                                                                                     (Haines-Young & Potschin 2010: 110) What do we need for a…

Falls in advanced age: Findings from LiLACS NZ

Falls in advanced age: Findings from LiLACS NZ presents key findings about falls in the previous 12 months, injury and hospitalisation from falls, and physiotherapy use…

Analysis of Household Crowding based on Census 2013 data

Household crowding is linked to a number of health conditions, including rheumatic fever, meningococcal disease, respiratory infections including pneumonia and skin infections (eg, cellulitis), as well…

Tobacco Use 2012/13: New Zealand Health Survey

The tobacco use report presents key findings from the New Zealand Health Survey 2012/13 about tobacco use. It provides a snapshot of tobacco use by adults…