Implementation and emerging outcomes evaluation of the Place-Based Initiatives

Implementation and emerging outcomes evaluation of…
04 Dec 2019


The purpose of the PBI model is to improve outcomes for at-risk children and their whānau by shifting collective decision-making and discretion to the local level. In 2016, Cabinet selected three PBI sites: Manaaki Tairāwhiti, South Auckland Social Wellbeing Board (SASWB), and Kāinga Ora in Te Tai Tokerau. Kāinga Ora was disestablished in 2019.

The Social Investment Agency (SIA) commissioned an evaluation to assess the PBI model as a mechanism for collective action to address complex needs. The evaluation has assessed the PBIs’ implementation, their value and their emerging outcomes.


In Manaaki Tairāwhiti and SASWB, we drew on: whānau-centred case studies, stakeholder interviews, a collaboration rubric, and supporting documents and data. Given the sensitivities of disestablishing Kāinga Ora, we interviewed only national-level stakeholders and some members of the Kāinga Ora Board.

Key Results

A case study approach gathered feedback from whānau who are supported by 50 Families (Manaaki Tairāwhiti) and Start Well (SASWB). The cases highlighted a very positive whānau service experience and positive emerging outcomes. Whānau felt heard, and having someone reliable to turn to was necessary when they felt no hope existed. Whānau liked the holistic approach of working on issues important to them and supporting their wider family.

Page last modified: 07 Jul 2023