Attitudes and Behaviour towards Alcohol Survey 2013/14 to 2015/16: Auckland Regional Analysis

Attitudes and Behaviour towards Alcohol Survey 201…
01 Nov 2016

This report presents descriptive results about the alcohol-related behaviours, attitudes and experiences of people aged 15 years and over living in Auckland.

Key Results

  •  Fifty-eight percent of those living in Auckland reported consuming alcohol in the last four weeks. One-quarter of these reported risky drinking behavior (as defined within this report).
  •  A lower percentage of people living in south/south east Auckland reported drinking alcohol in the last four weeks compared to the rest of Auckland. Of those who did drink in the last four weeks, a greater percentage of people who live in south/south east Auckland (34%) reported risky drinking behaviour compared to the rest of Auckland (22%).
  •  Drinkers experienced a range of outcomes as a consequence of drinking. Twenty percent of people living in Auckland who had consumed alcohol in the last four weeks reported at least one experience that may be considered harmful as a consequence of drinking alcohol.
  •  These harmful experiences included “spent too much money on alcohol” (10%), “did something embarrassing that you later regretted” (4.8%), and “drove a vehicle while being unsure of how much you were under the influence of alcohol” (4.5%).
  •  Forty-eight percent of people living in Auckland agreed or strongly agreed that “The bars/pubs in my community have a good reputation” and 63% agreed or strongly agreed that “It is easy to get to licensed premises from where I live”. Smaller percentages of people living in south/south east Auckland and west Auckland agreed or strongly agreed with both statements, compared to the rest of Auckland.
  •  Thirty-six percent of people living in Auckland agreed or strongly agreed that “Some licensed premises are too close to public facilities like schools”. This is significantly greater than the rest of New Zealand (31%).
  •  About one in 10 people living in Auckland reported knowing about local council planning processes for the sale and supply of alcohol - significantly lower than the rest of New Zealand.
  •  Supermarkets (69%), bottle or liquor stores (50%) and restaurants/cafes (33%) were the most frequently reported places for Aucklanders to purchase alcohol in the last four weeks.
Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018