From student to employee: A conversation about transition and readiness for practice in a statutory social work organisation

From student to employee: A conversation about tra…
01 Jun 2012

Social Work Now, Issue 50, pages 2-9.

Statutory social work organisations are a key site of practice learning and for the “construction and development of knowledge and worker expertise” (Noble, Heycox, O’Sullivan & Bartlett, 2007, p.25). This learning primarily occurs during supervised placements and employment. Placements, a core component of social work education, are critical for the development of students as beginning practitioners (Chilvers & Hay, 2011; Noble, 2011). The transition from student to employee is a unique point in the development of a new practitioner that has been little examined in the social work context in Aotearoa New Zealand.

New graduates may face several challenges as they undertake this transition. The flexibility of student life disappears, pressure to perform and manage multiple tasks increases and supports that were in place for a student may no longer be provided (Seden & McCormick, 2011; Walker, Crawford & Parker, 2008). There may also be considerable expectations on new graduates to immediately have knowledge of the organisational structure, social work role and daily tasks. Less time is usually available for reflective practice due to the demands of the daily work (Agllias, 2010). Graduates who have previously been on placement within the employing organisation may have further expectations placed upon them due to their student practice experience. Readiness for this transition may be affected by the graduate’s academic ability, practice skills, placement experience, training and personality attributes.

This article developed out of a three-way conversation exploring issues around readiness for practice and the transition from student to employee within the Child, Youth and Family context. The three involved in this conversation are a recent Bachelor of Social Work graduate, a Child, Youth and Family staff member and the Director of Field Education from Massey University.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018