
106 results in multiple government agencies

Kia Eke ki ngā Taumata, kia Pakari ngā Kaiako

Kia Eke ki ngā Taumata, kia Pakari ngā Kaiako - He Tirohanga Akoranga: An Exploration of In-Service Support and Professional Development Provision for Māori-Medium Teachers. Haemata Ltd…

Making Ngā Kaihanga Hou a reality in Auckland

There is no doubt of Auckland’s importance to New Zealand overall as well as to Māori. Nearly one quarter of New Zealand’s total Māori population live…

Enhancing New Zealand cultural visitor experiences

This report documents the New Zealand Regional Cultural Tourism Workshop programme during 2009. It highlights the key outcomes and opportunities from the workshops with recommendations for…

Māori and Early Childhood Education

This fact sheet presents information about the uptake of Early Childhood Education in New Zealand since 2000.

Cultural Indicators for New Zealand 2009

The cultural indicators presented in this report are designed to measure the extent to which the cultural sector is moving towards, or away from, the high-level…