
542 results

Evaluation of Te Kotahitanga Phase 5

This report analyses the impact of Te Kotahitanga Phase 5 on Māori student achievement and wellbeing and explores the design and implementation features that enabled such…

2013/14 Active New Zealand Survey

14 regional profiles on sport and active recreation participation were produced based on the findings of the 2013/14 Active New New Zealand Survey. They are available…

Young People’s Survey Urban / Rural Reports

These 4 profiles (main urban, secondary urban, minor and rural) provide a snapshot of participation in sport and active recreation by young people attending schools in…

Project Kāmehameha

Project Kāmehameha is a programme of research to inform design and delivery of career resources for Māori. By 2030, approximately 30% of our students – and therefore…

Insights to Moving Waikato 2020

Moving Waikato 2020 is a project that utilises available statistical data, combined with subjective stories and feedback to define “What’s next for sport, recreation and physical…

Predictive Modelling

Predictive modelling is the use of automated tools to help identify people at risk early enough to allow for effective intervention.  It relies on the combination…

The nature of wellbeing: how nature’s ecosystem services contribute to the wellbeing of New Zealand and New Zealanders’

No matter who we are or where we live, our well-being depends on the way ecosystems work                                                                                                                     (Haines-Young & Potschin 2010: 110) What do we need for a…