
968 results

Education matters to me

The Children’s Commissioner and the School Trustees Association have a shared interest in ensuring the National Education and Learning Priorities are grounded in the needs and…

Engineering e2e: An evaluation report

Engineering e2e (education-to-employment) is a programme designed to increase the number of engineers in New Zealand. It was established in 2014 by the Tertiary Education Commission…

From Care to Independence

Young people transitioning from being in care to living independently need support throughout this challenging time. Oranga Tamariki are currently designing a new transition service to…

ClubCHAMPS Project Evaluation Report

The ClubCHAMPS project operates in the King Country and Waipa regions and aims to reduce alcohol-related harm by supporting clubs that serve alcohol to develop effective…

Te Whānau Pou Toru

Conduct problems is the common childhood health condition that has the most far-reaching and pervasive consequences for later health, development and social adjustment (including offending, incarceration,…

Safety of Children in Care

In order to improve the safety of children and young people in care, insight into the extent of harm, how this manifests, and the nature of…