
734 results

Outdoor Recreation: Research Series

This new research series page contains research on Sport New Zealand commissioned research on outdoor recreation. It includes the outdoor recreation research agenda 2011, and research stocktake/synthesis…

Residence regulatory inspection summary reports

Every year, internal auditors report on the care provided at Child, Youth and Family residences. The reports detail where we’re achieving a high standard, and more…

What does bullying look like in Wellington?

New research explores the issue of bullying in the Wellington suburbs of Newtown, Berhampore, Kilbirnie and Strathmore. Skylight Trust talked with 65 kids and 6 adults to find…

Mortality and Demographic Data 2011

This publication contains facts, mortality rates, trends and major causes of death by age group, sex, ethnicity and district health board for deaths registered in 2011.…

Hand Hygiene New Zealand evaluation report

Hand Hygiene New Zealand (HHNZ) has contracted with the Health Quality & Safety Commission since 2011 to improve hand hygiene in New Zealand hospitals. This rapid evaluation…