
886 results

Subjective whānau wellbeing in Te Kupenga

These reports address a substantial gap in the quantitative evidence base about whānau wellbeing. They are also the first to undertake a detailed analysis of self-assessed whānau wellbeing…

New models of tertiary education

The Government asked the Productivity Commission to carry out an inquiry into new models of tertiary education. The terms of reference suggested that the tertiary education system…

Social Workers in Schools

This evaluation provides new insights into the Social Workers in Schools (SWiS) initiative. Social workers in Schools (SWiS) is a government-funded, community social work service provided in…

Mode equivalency in PAT: Reading Comprehension

This report details the results of an investigation into the school-based assessment, PAT: Reading Comprehension, which has recently gone online. NZCER wanted to know whether the…