
407 results

Restorative Justice | Best Practice Framework

In 2004 the Ministry of Justice published Restorative Justice Best Practice in New Zealand. This included the Ministry’s ‘Principles of Best Practice’ and the restorative justice…

Young New Zealanders Viewing Sexual Violence

Young New Zealanders Viewing Sexual Violence - Stage 1: This report is the first component of our research and consultation project exploring the effects of viewing…

Alternative Action Report

This research project explored reoffending paterns for youth undertaking Police Alternative Action. It describes changes in the reoffending outcomes observed in 17,317 cases (involving 14,605 distinct children and…

Alcohol Off-license Purchases and subsequent Harm reports

Alcohol Off-license Purchases and subsequent Harm: Technical Report - The research was undertaken to understand the trends and patterns related to off-licence alcohol purchasing in Wellington,…

Court User Survey

This paper summarises the results of the Court User Surveys. The Ministry of Justice commissioned Colmar Brunton to conduct the survey, which is designed to measure…