Evaluation of the Lottery Pacific Provider Development Fund 2005-2007

Evaluation of the Lottery Pacific Provider Develop…
01 May 2008
Pacific Provider Development Fund Evaluation Findi…
01 Jan 2005
Pacific Provider Development Fund Evaluation Findi…
01 Jan 2008

In December 2007, DIA commissioned this evaluation of PPDF to assist the Board to make a funding decision about PPDF and to confirm the continuation of the Fund for at least two years post the 2008-09 financial year.

This evaluation has been undertaken on the relaunched PPDF and has looked at the funding rounds since then (2005/06 and 2006/07). PPDF has two primary objectives; the first is to build the capacity and capability of PCOs, the second is to improve the ability of PCOs to access other funding.

The evaluation had four specific objectives to be addressed:

  1. Provide evidence and data to the LGB to enable it to make a decision on future funding allocations of the PPDF.
  2. Identify whether the LGB and PPDF is being responsive to the needs of the Pacific community.
  3. Identify what is working and what is not working within the PPDF.
  4. Identify whether the capacity and capability of PCOs is being developed.

What the evaluation has shown about PPDF is evidence of a good process, a level of responsiveness to Pacific community organisational needs and some capacity and capability building of individuals, and groups. While it is difficult to clearly establish overall how successful PPDF has been in achieving its primary objectives there is no evidence to suggest that PPDF should not continue for a further two years.

The interview data indicates that PPDF has provided successful training experiences for the majority of PCOs over the period covered in this evaluation. The components of that training have been focused on financial, management and governance development. These components are identified as important for PPDF to give effect to its intended outcome which is to facilitate PCOs’ successful applications for funding grants. Some of these organisations are pursuing those funding opportunities.

However, there are limitations to the extent this evaluation can provide evidence that PPDF training is demonstrating its effectiveness in better funding outcomes for PCOs. There is, however, evidence that many PCOs that have had funding have moved to stronger positions in the business framework of their organisations and therefore would be in a position of strength if they were to apply for funding.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018