Justice Sector Report 2013

Justice Sector Report 2013 (pdf)
01 Dec 2013

Public trust in our institutions and the law is essential to making society work effectively. We want a justice system that delivers the core results of reduced crime and improved safety, and that better meets modern public expectations of service.

We also want to be transparent about what we are doing and what's being achieved. That's why this document has been created.

This report is not required by any statute, but as a sector we are accountable to New Zealanders and we want to report to them. This is the first of what will be an annual sector report. It is in three sections: crime and safety; how the sector works together; and the new initiatives we're taking.

It shows crime is reducing, and re-offending is reducing - we are delivering results. And we have a plan to do better still.


Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018