
125 results in multiple government agencies

Evaluation of DARE to make a Choice

The Crime and Justice Research Centre (CJRC) carried out a new evaluation of the DARE to make a Choice (Choice) drug education programme. The evaluation was based…

Māori in Australia

This report uses data from a survey and interviews completed in 2006 by more than 1200 Māori across Australia. The Trans-Tasman flow of people, money, ideas…

Clandestine Drug Laboratory Report - 2006

This report provides an overview of information related to the dismantling of clan labs by New Zealand Police during the 2006 calendar year.  'Official' clan lab recording…

Attitudes Toward the Māori Language

In order to measure progress toward achieving the fifth goal of the Māori Language Strategy, three telephone surveys of language attitudes were undertaken in 2000, 2003…