Counting the cost: an analysis of domestic tuition fees

Counting the cost: an analysis of domestic tuition…
01 Jun 2009
Counting the cost: an analysis of domestic tuition…
01 Jun 2009

This report examines trends in domestic tuition fees under various government policies since 1990. In particular, there is a focus on trends in domestic tuition fees under the current Fee and Course Costs Maxima (FCCM) policy.

Key Results

  • Increases in domestic tuition fees have been lower under the Fee and Course Costs Maxima (FCCM) policy than in the unregulated environment during the 1990s. Increases in government funding per student since 2001 have also helped to moderate the increases in tuition fees.
  • The general affordability of tuition fees improved under the fee stabilisation policy and has since been maintained by the FCCM policy
  • Many undergraduate courses are now at, or are approaching, their maxima, while a significant proportion of government-funded courses in private training establishments have fees and course costs that are above their maxima
  • Fees for postgraduate courses are increasing at a faster rate than undergraduate courses under the FCCM policy
Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018