English Medium - Student Achievement in NZ Information Kit

A Snapshot: Student Achievement at a Glance
01 Jan 2005
"The Big Picture"; Student Outcome Overview 2001-2…
01 Oct 2006
In Focus: Achievement in Reading
01 Oct 2006
In Focus: Achievement in Writing
01 Oct 2006
In Focus: Achievement in Mathematics
01 Oct 2006
In Focus: Attitudes to Reading, Writing and Mathem…
01 Oct 2006
Talk About It: Reading
01 Jan 2005
Talk About It: Writing
01 Jan 2005
Talk About It: Mathematics
01 Jan 2005

The Student Outcome Information Kit (SOIK) describes student achievement in reading, writing and mathematics. He Kete Raraunga describes achievement in pānui, tuhituhi and pāngarau.

He Kete Raraunga and the Student Achievement in New Zealand information kit include data from asTTle – the Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning. asTTle is an educational resource designed to provide teachers, students and parents with information about a student’s level of achievement relative to desired curriculum achievement outcomes, although these kits contain asTTle data that was collected for the purpose of trialling items during its development.

Finally, both kits draw on results from the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) which is New Zealand’s national qualification for senior secondary students, implemented from 2002.

These surveys assess individual students, but they describe student performance at a national level. The information in the kits cannot be compared because the language of the test and often the items in the test are different.

Student Achievement in New Zealand information kit provides the education sector with information about student achievement in reading, writing and mathematics where the students have been assessed in English. As well as presenting a snapshot of student achievement, it also draws links between achievement and attitudes, gender, ethnicity, English at home and some characteristics of the school.

The kit contains;

  1. A Snapshot: Student Achievement at a Glance; A summary of overall findings from the Student Outcomes Overview 2001-2005.
  2. The Big Picture: Student Outcomes Overview 2001-2005; An overview that consolidates the findings from a range of large scale student achievement studies into one report.
  3. Talk about It: Ideas for Discussion and Reflection; Summaries of the most significant findings from the asTTle dataset and their context, as well as questions for discussion and reflection on each curriculum area: reading, writing and maths.
  4. asTTle in Focus: A Closer Look at the Findings from the asTTle Data; In-depth reports on the asTTle data analysis for each curriculum area: reading, writing and maths.
Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018