Evaluation of two ECD Services: Licensing & Chartering Advice and Support

Evaluation of two ECD Services: Licensing & Charte…
09 Nov 2001
Evaluation of two ECD Services: Licensing & Charte…
09 Nov 2001

The purpose of this research is to investigate the quality and outcomes of the work that Early Childhood Development (ECD) services does in these two areas. Specifically the evaluation seeks to describe the services provided, identify the outcomes, identify how well advice and support are provided and identify barriers that impact on achieving outcomes. Interviews with Ministry of Education and ECD staff and participants in programmes form part of the evaluation.


The purpose of this study is to carry out an evaluation of two Early Childhood Development (ECD) services: Licensing and Chartering Advice and Support, and Advice and Support to Licence-Exempt Playgroups, except nga Puna Kohungahunga (ECD Maori playgroups). The study did not include consideration of nga Puna Kohungahunga because of the small number of these playgroups (40 out of a total of 758 playgroups at July 2000), and their relatively recent establishment. The evaluation investigated the quality and outcomes of the work that ECD has done in these two areas.


This report provides an evaluation of ECD’s licensing and chartering advice and support and an evaluation of ECD’s services to licence-exempt playgroups.

Data collected for the analysis is drawn from:

• documentation about ECD supported services and about ECD’s work, including publications, the Document of Accountability and monitoring reports;

• interviews with MOE staff, ECD staff and participants in programmes.

The resulting analysis used programme logic to provide:

• a description of the commonalities and differences in perceptions of participants which could affect ECD work in these two services;

• identification of themes and issues;

• development of models of goals and contributing factors for licensing and chartering advice and support and for licence-exempt playgroups.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018