
1159 results

Education matters to me

The Children’s Commissioner and the School Trustees Association have a shared interest in ensuring the National Education and Learning Priorities are grounded in the needs and…

Supporting the implementation of patient portals

New Zealand's health system supports nearly every New Zealander at some time in their life. As part of providing better services to New Zealanders, the Ministry…

MPTT Evaluation Findings

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT)  model. The evaluation focusses on the operation and outcomes of the…

Interim Evaluation Report: Healthy Families NZ

Healthy Families NZ is a large-scale initiative that is a key part in helping New Zealanders live healthy, active lives. There are 10 Healthy Families NZ locations…

2015 New Zealand Mental Health Monitor

This series presents the results of the 2015 Mental Health Monitor (NZMHM). The 2015 NZMHM collected data related to overall mental health and wellbeing, connectedness and support,…